Music at a Rational Volume
A music podcast for music lovers with strong, but flexible opinions. Two middle-aged music fans discussing the music they love and the interesting topics surrounding their fandom. We do album reviews both new and old, music commentary, themed playlist episodes, and above all just enjoy talking about some of our favorite tunes.
Music at a Rational Volume
New Album Reviews: Wolves of Glendale (self-titled)
In this episode of Nate and Kyle disagree about what good music is... I'm sorry, Music at a Rational Volume, is what I meant to write... where was I... Oh right, the episode description! In this episode Nate and Kyle discuss the new, and also the debut, self-titled record by the Wolves of Glendale. WoG is a comedy music trio whose narrative structure and absurdist bent may not be for everyone, so listen into the episode to discover which one of our hosts loved this record and which one really doesn't. Also in this episode is an announcement that the podcast is taking an extended hiatus over the summer and new episodes will resume sometime, probably September-ish... So look out for those, and we'll catch you in the Fall. Thanks for listening everyone!
No playlists this week, instead check out Wolves of Glendale and decide for yourself.
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musicatatrationvolume profile on Spotify for episode playlists based on topics discussed