Music at a Rational Volume
A music podcast for music lovers with strong, but flexible opinions. Two middle-aged music fans discussing the music they love and the interesting topics surrounding their fandom. We do album reviews both new and old, music commentary, themed playlist episodes, and above all just enjoy talking about some of our favorite tunes.
Music at a Rational Volume
New Album Reviews: The Vaccines - Pickup-Up Full Of Pink Carnations
In this episode of Music at a Rational Volume Nate and Kyle discuss the new record from West London's indie rockers, the Vaccines. Called Pick-Up Full Of Pink Carnations, the album is The Vaccines 6th studio record and the hosts of this particular podcast have some definite opinions on this album. So listen in as Nate and Kyle discuss the highs and lows of this effort. Just don't be surprised if it doesn't go exactly the way you think it might, as few pieces of music find such rare territory shared in the Venn Diagram made from Nate and Kyle's musical tastes.
No playlist this week, instead check out The Vaccines - Pick-Up Full Of Pink Carnations
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